a retrospective celebration
Immersive Installation • Concept, Research and Production

This installation is a Retrospective Celebration of how tools and technologies have shaped the evolution of computer art. In this case, Computer Art refers to any art that was created with a machine or computer involved.
“We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us.”
Eloquently expressed by media theorist Marshall McLuhan, this sentiment holds especially true for art history. Tools and technologies have not only revolutionised the way we create art, but also how we see the world around us.

A big part of this semester-long project was researching and determining the inventions to be included into the timeline. Over 2 months, I condensed 17 pages of information into the 4 pages that were included into the final projected moving timeline.

I've chosen to include a curtain to create a theatrical experience for those entering the installation, and to symbolize "pulling back" the curtains to take look back on history. Each panel contains a quote that helps frame the topic in discussion.

Quotes include:
“Art makes questions. Design makes solutions. Technology makes possibilities.” - John Maeda
“The art challenges the technology, and the technology inspires the art.” -John Lasseter

A booklet is also included in this immersive experience. Ending in the year 2000, and looking back up till 3000 B.C., the booklet contains information on the technologies invented in a specific year, and the types of computer art created that were a result of that invention.
For example how in 1867, the year the first typer writer was invented, ASC-II art began to appear. People used the typewriter to create computer art using symbols and letters as printers were not advanced enough yet.
Digital flip book version of booklet